Nest, 2024. Stoneware, copper, sterling silver, miscellaneous found organic materials, 16.5" x 16.5" x 14".

Making reference to Gaston Bachelard's contemplation of the nest in The Poetics of Space, arranged in a circle, my thesis body begins and ends at the nest—the nest as refuge, as an embodiment of domesticity, of entire universes—returning to, recreating that space of great intimacy.As the most intimate piece of furniture in its facilitation of a kind of ritual, a fulfilled nightstand requires a deep knowing of the self.

In a singular, condensed structure, a nest is a culmination of physical labour, lived experience, and maturation, drawing parallels to the labour-intensive process of craft with the idea of care, tending to something again and again. I keep in mind the idea of what it means to make a home—the egg as the most contained, sheltered space and the nest as the transitionary into the world.

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