I feel her living in you and I know she is the same as the one that lives in me,  Stoneware, silver, freshwater pearl, mother of pearl, shell, cubic zirconia, 2024.

Bearing in mind that a biological connection alone cannot cultivate nor sustain a loving relationship, this work commemorates my mother, metaphorized through the round, life-giving moon jar and the rock form lying within. Making reference to the ornamentation of reliquary jewellery, I gaze with deep reverence upon her as she uncovers her wholeness, her fullness—providing to me the love and nurture she wished for as a child—healing her, healing me.If I were to be born again, I would choose to be born to her, hoping to return in each life all that she has bestowed upon me—knowing, loving, and fiercely protecting the child that lives within her.

"...Watching the geese
go south,
I find that
even in silence
and even in stillness
and even in my home
without a thought
or a movement

I am a part
of a great migration
that will take me
to another place.

And though
all the things I love
may pass away and the great family
of things and people
I have invited
around me
will see me go,

I feel them living
in me
like a great gathering
about to go with me,
to reach
a greater home..."

– David Whyte, "What I Must Tell Myself"

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